Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Leadership Summit

Today, I met with a couple of my classmates about our group protocols for our groups we are leading next week.  We shared our group topics, explained the theories we are using, and talked about our activities that we have planned.  I asked for and shared feedback.  I gave feedback on theories as well as activity ideas to my classmates.  When I bounced my ideas off of them, they gave great feedback that further shaped my group protocol.  I was surprised to see how my protocol changed when I relayed my ideas off of my classmates.  They seemed appreciative of my input as well.  The most useful feedback I received was related to my activities as they are going to be below the cognitive level of my group.  Having talked to my classmates about my own protocol, I feel more confident for my upcoming group.  I have some changes to make to my protocol and I am excited that it will be better than how it began.

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