As I reflect on my Foundations of Occupational Performance class, I can see how much I have learned this semester from this course alone. I feel like I really have an understanding of what occupational therapy is, its history, and how occupational therapists think. I remember after the first week of this course, going home and telling my husband that this class truly made me excited to be an OT.
I have tried to define occupational therapy in the past for others and for myself and not really known the exact answer. Now, after this course, I feel I can adequately define and explain what occupational therapy is and my excitement for my future career. It feels good to know I have this base of knowledge that can build upon. I felt we touched on many topics that I will remember for the rest of my life. I am glad for the set-up of this course and how it facilitated my learning. I really do feel like I am well on my way to being an occupational therapist!
I do too, Audrey! I see so much OT-think and OT-heart in you and your classmates and am very honored to be one of your teachers.